🌾What can we learn from other cities?

July 10, 2024 | Sign Up | Support Us


Good morning, Wichita!

Today is National Blueberry Muffin Day (the best kind btw).

And you know what happens if you give a moose a muffin...

Let'sg et to it!

- Landon Huslig


High school is a tough time for many kids. Some kids learn faster, some kids learn slower, and all kids learn differently. Unfortunately, some kids get left behind in the typical school system because the curriculum train has to keep rolling.

Khan Lab School is an innovative and collaborative approach to learning in Wichita and they are opening their doors in August 2024 for 4th - 9th graders.

This is an incredible opportunity for 9th grade students to learn at their own pace while maintaining high expectations in a student-centered community-based environment.

If you have any interest at all in learning more about how your child may fit into the brand-new school, check out their site and reach out to learn more!

What do other cities do well?

The City of Wichita launched an ideation hub to discuss “What Other Cities Do Well."

Although Wichita is nearly the center of the USA, it is not the center of the universe and we have plenty to learn from other cities.

The City of Wichita does want to do better and would love your feedback so drop your ideas about features, initiatives, events, or anything you’ve admired and believe could enhance our community.

Dive in, share your insights, vote for inspiring ideas, or engage in hearty (and let’s be nice, kids) discussions on how we can borrow brilliance from around the globe and implement it right here in the 316.

To help get your creative juices flowing, let’s look at the most popular ideas currently on the idea board.

1) Activating the River

“San Antonio, Austin, Chicago, and other cities do a great job of bringing people to the river for activities. What do you think it would take to make the river a hangout spot in Wichita?”

We have talked about this in a couple deep dives like this, this or this.

I won’t touch on this anymore…today (there will always be more coming from me on this topic), but what do you think?

Here are a few of the comments from this post:

  • “More restaurants in walking distance of the river and a boat tour. OKC has one that is a smaller version, but still has a lot to do in walking distance of the river.”
  • “Would love to see the river being used as a destination with restaurants & shops. It would be wonderful to have a an event center and an updated convention hall.”
  • “This would be huge for the city of Wichita. This could easily be a publicly funded project tied to public transportation and be included in the bus passes, along with private options that cost more.”

2) Invest in a Light Rail Transit System

“Investing in a light rail system to allow for easier travel across the city, especially downtown and along 135 would help reduce traffic congestion and provide a fun new way to get around Wichita.”

Public transportation is 100% something Wichita needs to improve on. Hopefully with the new “The Hub" it will improve, but what if we thought bigger like a Light Rail Transit System? This would likely cost too much money, but who knows? (not me)

  • “PS In terms of public transportation, busses are flexible to changing residents' needs and do not require heavy up front investment in rails. Improving the bus system (locations and frequency) makes more sense. Yes, there will be an increase in road surface wear and tear, but maintained/improved roads benefit all residents and businesses. (HVAC repair folks can't take light rail to fix someone's AC.)”
  • “I lived in the Minneapolis/St. Paul address when they built their light rail system. They may work in major Metro areas, but even there is was way too much money for limited return. Businesses along the construction line were hurt, some closed. Lines are so limiting that only the people living close to the lines are likely to use it, and Wichita just doesn't have the population density to make it anywhere near cost effective.”
  • “We need to look at Denver’s Metropolitan Transit System. They connect all surrounding communities with buses, light rail & park & rides. Imagine parking your car at a Park & Ride in Goddard or far West Wichita an catching a light rail or bus to Downtown Wichita then walk to work, college, shopping and/or entertainment. Then reversing it back to your original starting point. The savings in gas, wear & tear to vehicles & roads and parking. Along with the health benefits of walking or bicycling.”

3) More Green Space

“Green Spaces in our city add a beautification aspect and have many health benefits. Benefits are physical and cognitive. Decreased Carbon footprint also reduces allergies.”

Did someone say..reduces allergies?

It would be hard to argue against more green space. Let’s get rid of some of our excessive parking and add more parks (don’t hurt me).

  • “Absolutely! The City's minimum landscaping requirements for new buildings is inadequate. Kansas City requires twice as much as Wichita. The worst part is that there is no requirement for tenants to maintain what is installed. All of the Walgreen stores are evidence of that. They don't use the irrigation system and most of the landscaping is dead. The City isn't much better. They need to maintain what they install.”
  • “Wichita needs a policy that for every 10 acres of development their needs to be 1 acre of green space. A 10:1 ratio between buildings, houses, apartment buildings, parking lots & streets and grass.”
  • “Compared to the green spaces in other cities, we have more than enough. Let's focus on upkeeping what we already have.”

4) Maintain what we’ve already got

“Roads, sidewalks, paint markings, updated stop lights, more street lighting. All the best town's I've been to that are great have a good plan for maintaining what they already have”

This one brings up a great point. If we only add stuff in and the current resources we have deteriorate significantly, what’s the point?

  • “It costs a lot less to maintain what we have than having to tear roads up or tear buildings down. It’s all based on its construction, use & life expectancy.”
  • “The City is terrible at maintaining what we have. The Kellog-Oliver project is a great example. There was over $250,000 invested in landscaping and irrigation. The project was to have money that went into an endowment to maintain this project. Today, the irrigation isn't used; probably doesn't work as it hasn't been maintained. The landscaping is overgrown, dead and dying. Just one example of many; swimming pools, golf courses, etc. When was the last time tennis courts were repaired/resurfaced?”

5) Fruit Trees

“Grow fruit trees, and nut trees along the river. This is beneficial to bees, and it gives people a reason to go down to the river. Spoiled fruit can be composted or given the the zoo for animal feed.”

I love fruit. I’m not sure how feasible this is, but why not?

  • “This is an outstanding idea! And it doesn’t have to be expensive. Ask for volunteers to plant, care for and do upkeep on the trees and there should be a great response! I grow fruit trees in my yard, and would love to be part of a public fruit tree program.”

If you enjoy this, we will cover a part 2.

Here are the next 5 most popular ideas:

  1. History Trails
  2. Create a gatepass to every city owned venue in Wichita
  3. Graffiti Park
  4. Car-free streets
  5. Riverfront Path improvement

There ya have it folks. The top 10 ideas that other cities do well and we could potentially implement to improve Wichita.

What do you think? Which is your favorite?

Get involved in the conversation! Everything starts with brainstorming and conversations and I know for a fact the readers of this email care about Wichita and have great ideas because you often share them with me. We are working together with the City of Wichita to improve all of our home together.

That's it for today! We hope you enjoyed this deep dive.


- Landon

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