🌾College Hill Halloween 2024

October 30, 2024 | Sign Up | Support Us


Good morning, Wichita!

Halloween is tomorrow! Do you have a costume? It's not too late to make a last minute one!

Let's get to it!

- Landon Huslig


Fall is a great time to travel.

Airfares are lower due to decreased demand. Many attractions offer lower prices and fewer crowds, making it an ideal time for travelers looking to save money. Hotel prices can drop by up to 30% during the fall season compared to the summer peak.

ICT has 11 nonstop routes, connecting to hundreds of domestic and international destinations.

Share your vacation pictures when you Fly Wichita and you can be featured in future Fly ICT advertisements!

Allegiant is also offering nonstop service to Orlando-Sanford starting Nov 23 – Jan. 5, just in time for the holidays!

College "Halloweentown" hill

Every year, one neighborhood in Wichita turns into Halloweentown.

Many people get involved in elaborate decorations while even more people flock there in the days leading up to, and especially on, Halloween.

College Hill is one of the best places to celebrate spooky szn, so we wanted to talk to a few people about their experience living in Wichita's Halloweentown.

Here are 4 perspectives (although you’ll start to see some common themes):

Joe Robertson

  • How long have you been in College Hill?

I have lived in College Hill most of my life, I grew up on South Clifton across the street from the Park/Pool and when my wife and I first got married we rented a duplex in College Hill and bought our first house in College Hill.

  • What makes Halloween in College Hill special?

I grew up trick or treating in this neighborhood & always thought everyone’s Halloween was like ours.

From the free hotdogs at the white house at Third and Fountain, to knowing as a kid which houses gave out the full-size candy bars, all the amazing displays on Broadview, to building my own spook houses with friends and my siblings on my parent’s porch as a teen. I love that the Halloween has become more than one street in College Hill.

At our house on North Clifton, we get well over 800 kids coming to our house. I love that kids from other neighborhoods come here to trick or treat. They unload in the Plymouth Congregational Church parking lot across the street from and make the walk north to Broadview. The city now closes off not only Douglas but First and Second Streets in the neighborhood to try and make it more walkable and safer for all the kids and families walking.

  • Any favorite Halloween memories or traditions in College Hill?

The Gordon’s used to live at the corner of First and Broadway and I always loved going to their house as a kid – I had known Jeanne since I was little, and she had the most amazing handmade characters in her yard. We would trick or treat there, take our niece and nephew when we were first married, and then our own kids. It is just such an amazing tradition and experience to have not only lived it, but to be able to share it with your own family.

There used to be a house on Broadway that had a huge guillotine that would put on beheadings every 15 or 20 minutes, they had a schedule posted. It was an elaborate production and awesome magic trick.

The Pirate ship display that used to be on the lot next to the community theatre on Second and Fountain.

The Rine’s always had some of the most elaborate displays at their homes in College Hill. They had an amazing Phantom of the Opera display for years on Second Street, then created the flying saucer display at their home on Belmont. They have since moved to Eastborough, and have the spaceship there this year.

  • What’s the best street?

Broadview is awesome, it is great to see people who have moved on to that street continue with the tradition, but my favorite thing is to see how it has expanded beyond Broadview throughout the neighborhood.

  • Is it mandatory to decorate on the street?

I don’t believe it is mandatory but expected. If you buy a house on Broadview, you should love Halloween.

Kelsey Ketzner

  • How long have you been in College Hill?

2 years. First year decorating.

  • What makes Halloween in College Hill special?

The neighborhood community and old-timey charm.

  • Any favorite Halloween memories or traditions in College Hill?

The time a Thriller flash mob broke out

  • What’s the best street?

They’re all so great, but I really enjoy Belmont & Crestway in general.

Denise Steffens

  • How long have you been in College Hill?

I have lived in College Hill for 10 years.

  • What makes Halloween in College Hill special?

I think College Hill is so special on Halloween because those of us that decorate and give out candy go out of our way to make it extra fun for the kids. The streets are filled with ghosts and goblins and there’s really no other neighborhood in Wichita as spooky and magical on Halloween night.

  • Any favorite Halloween memories or traditions in College Hill?

My fondest memory is the year that we were hit with Covid. I didn’t know if we would have any trick or treaters or not that year. I decided to decorate anyway and bought candy just in case.

Since we didn’t want to be in close contact with all the kids that did turn out, I made a candy launcher out of a black architectural plans tubular case. I have stairs that lead up to the sidewalk to my house so my friend and I sat at the top of the stairs and shot candy through the candy launcher down to the kids at the bottom of the stairs. They would hold their candy sack or basket right under the launcher in the Candy would fly right in. It turned out to be the funnest Halloween ever.

  • What’s the best street?

The best streets to trick-or-treat are probably The 100 and 200 blocks of Broadview and Belmont. They usually average about 3000 to 3500 trick-or-treaters every year. I live at first and Yale and I average about 2000 every year. I’m a little off the beaten path, but I think my house is known for the over the top decorations and people come here for that reason.

  • Is it mandatory to decorate on the street?

Halloween decorations are not a requirement, however, those of us that choose to decorate want to do it for the kids. We want to make sure they are making memories every Halloween so they can look back on their childhood fondly and remember College Hill as a good place.

Yes, it is crowded on Halloween night, but it is also so much fun. I have so many people drive-by before Halloween and on Halloween night that thanked me for going to so much work and doing this for the kids. That makes it all worthwhile for me.

Stephanie Courington

  • How long have you been in College Hill?

6 years

  • What makes Halloween in College Hill special?

The excitement and bustle that comes with 3,000+ trick or treaters.

  • Any favorite Halloween memories or traditions in College Hill?

We have continued with a Harry Potter theme every year. It’s fun to see kids and parents alike get excited about the decor.

  • What’s the best street?

Obviously, Belmont, between the arches. But the hot dogs at Roosevelt/3rd are pretty cool too!

  • Is it mandatory to decorate on the street?

It’s not mandatory but participation is what keeps the tradition alive. It can be exhausting to hand out candy non-stop for 4+ hours so I don’t judge anyone that decides not to participate every year.

Thank you to the others that replied and live in College Hill!

If you want to see even more photos of College Hill Halloween, be sure to follow the instagram account @hallowichita!


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That's it for today! We hope you enjoyed this deep dive.


- Landon

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